Sunday, May 29, 2011

Plug Adaptions

why is it that america and europe and australia and practically everywhere decided that they wanted to have different plugs?? I mean, SERIOUSLY! It's just such a pain! ahahah!

also, has anyone ever noticed how dang cute the euro is?? I mean, just LOOK AT IT!:

Friday, May 20, 2011

Endless Fries

So, I went out to a restaurant tonight with a couple friends, and they serve "endless steak fries" with their burgers...yet they never came and gave us more fries...(well, my friends, I was having a salad)...and it made us yeah...if you guys offer endless fries, actually give them to us please!! haha!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Vegetarian Options

So, there's this thing called being a vegetarian (which I, for all intents and purposes am.) And, for some reason, when events that provide food have a "vegetarian option" it always SUCKS.

I recently went to a graduation dinner for a family member graduating from college, and her school at the college had a dinner provided after the baccalaureate mass. They were serving a pork chop on rice with mushrooms, asparagus, and something else (I don't remember, I wasn't eating it). So, the guy comes and goes to put a plate in front of me, and I stop him and ask, "Do you have a vegetarian option?" and he says, "Oh yes, of course, hold on." Now, this guy, he was really sweet, and he went off and got me the vegetarian option. But when he comes back and puts it down in front of me, it's a plate of rice (with, like, sweet raisins in it), tomatoes, and cauliflower. Okay. Now, who's the dumba** who thought vegetarians aren't hungry people too? And that we don't like meaningful, hearty, yummy meals? Okay, that "vegetarian option" was more like a "we have a bunch of junk in the pantry, let's put it on a plate and call it a meal!" Made me mad, but of course I ate it, I was hungry, I'd just sat through a long ceremony!

But really, my point is, that often the "vegetarian options" SUCK! It's like if you have an allergy to wheat and you ask for a non-wheat option, or if you're allergic to egg and you ask for the non-egg option, etc. they always bring  some cruddy, half-a** plate of junk. It bugs me...a lot.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nyan Cat

This, my friends, is the Nyan Cat. I was introduced to him by my cousin, whom we'll call Monkey. So, Monkey and I have a lot of weird jokes...we pretend to be goldfish for example =D. And, periodically, if one of us finds something particularly entertaining, we'll share it with the other. This was a recent video that he sent to's 3 hours, 39 minutes and 41 seconds afraid, be VERY AFRAID!

(Oh, and if anyone wants to be REALLY SUPER AWESOME, here's the interactive version!! It's super addictive!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Rose Trilogy

So, there's this song that I've known for ages, and I though I'd share it, unfortunately the tune cannot be heard, seeing as it is just the

Rose, rose, rose, rose
Will I ever see thee wed?
I will marry at thy will
Sire at they will.

Oh poor bird,
Why art thou 
Flying in the shadows
At this dark hour.

Hey, ho, nobody's home.
Meat, nor drink, nor money have I now,
But I will be merry,
Hey, ho, nobody's home.

This was the best version I could find online...except the weird final second or two, it's a pretty good version of it =) sung w/ the tune I know, too.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


[there's some minor inappropriate  material in this post, in relation to the Starkid production of M&MD]

So, there's this AMAZING group of people, Team Starkid, and they are, by a long-shot, my FAVORITE group of people EVER!

This is their logo

Team Starkid consists of a bunch of young adults, a lot of whom graduated from University of Michigan in 2009. They're the masterminds behind: "A Very Potter Musical;" "Me & My Dick;" "A Very Potter Sequel;" "Starship;" and "Little White Lie." Their an extremely talented bunch of actors/writers/dancers/musicians who inspire me SO much!

These are some group shots, in all, I believe they cover all of the [major] Starkids:

Team Starkid is, for the most part, led by Darren Criss, the amazing curly-haired dude who plays Harry Potter in AVPM and AVPS and has written the music and lyrics of a LOT of the songs in the aforementioned productions. This, my friends, is Darren Criss:

(Main Characters: Harry; [Dick in original short version]; Harry; n/a)

Now, some of you Gleeks may recognize him as Blaine from that boys' school in Season 2 of "Glee"...but let me say, that us Starkid fans RULE his fanclub, because we've loved him since AVPM =)

There's also a couple other really awesome people who are Starkids:

Joey Richter Oh My
(MCs: Ron; Joey; Ron; Bug)

(MCs: Voldemort; Dick; Umbridge; Up)

(MCs: Draco; n/a; Draco; Taz/Bugette)

(MCs: Ginny; Sally; Ginny/Rita Skeeter; Chorus)

(MCs: Snape; n/a; Snape; Starship Ranger)


(MCs: n/a; Flopsy; Lupin; Jr./Mosquito)

(MCs: Dumbledore; n/a; Dumbledore; Tootsie Noodle-->Tootsie MegaGirl)

(MCs: Director; Director; Mr. Weasly; a bug)

(MCs: Goyle; n/a; Firenz/Death Eater/ Goyle; Queen Bug)

And those are my favorite Starkids!

Basically, I think you should all go and check out the musicals (and web series) and marvel and drool at their totally awesomeness. And then you can join the ranks in quoting those who are SuperMegaAwesomeFoxyHot, and Red Vines, and how killing people doesn't make them like just makes them dead...or how you NEVER tell a girl you like her, it makes you look like an idiot! =)

OH and you can buy/download all their songs too!!!!! =DDDD