I can tell you I was pretty darn excited! I had hoped that some of the few movies that I actually managed to see would win, and that, most of all, HP7.1 would win the one Oscar it got nominated for.
And, as most of you know, it did not. And, to kick a dog when it's down, Alice in Wonderland beat it. I mean C'MON!
I rather disliked that movie. I thought the plot was stupid, and the acting only so-so. And the title was rather irritating too! I mean, it was NOT Alice in Wonderland. A more applicable name would have been Alice in Underland, since in the movie itself it's not WONDERland it's UNDERland, or After Alice would have worked, since it was not the story that Lewis Carol wrote, and it barely hung on by a thread to be affiliated with Alice in Wonderland.
To make matters worse, I'm watching the Oscars and WHABAM! Right in the middle of the original song nominee from Toy Story 3 the cable goes out! THIS SUCKS!!! URGH!!!
Well, I hope that the rest of the show goes good, and that the nominees whom I want to win do, *knock on wood*, I'll be googleing it tomorrow to find out!