Saturday, April 9, 2011


Set-ing: the act of creating a theatrical set

So, today was spent creating the set/props for a production of Cinderella that I'm in. Basically, our director said 10am to 2pm would be the amount of time we'd work...

I got there at 10:02, as another girl was just arriving. We, and two other people were the ONLY people there. We made a fireplace, painted the now-made fireplace, reupholstered the king/queen's thrones, made a BUNCH of props, painted the ENTIRE floor of the king and queen's room, the stepfamily's room, and the master staircase. We then hung a bunch of curtains, brought everything in, and then went over the floor again in the proper color.

I was very proud of myself because I didn't paint myself into a corner...until I realized that I had....XD.

All in all, we did a BUTT LOAD of work, and I finally left at 5:54pm, in case you didn't notice, that's 4 hours after our supposed end time...

And tomorrow we go for a dress rehearsal!! =) YAYCAKES! [as Mixie would say]

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see the play! I'll point everything out to my mom and say "Adi painted that. And that. And did that."
