Saturday, May 14, 2011

Vegetarian Options

So, there's this thing called being a vegetarian (which I, for all intents and purposes am.) And, for some reason, when events that provide food have a "vegetarian option" it always SUCKS.

I recently went to a graduation dinner for a family member graduating from college, and her school at the college had a dinner provided after the baccalaureate mass. They were serving a pork chop on rice with mushrooms, asparagus, and something else (I don't remember, I wasn't eating it). So, the guy comes and goes to put a plate in front of me, and I stop him and ask, "Do you have a vegetarian option?" and he says, "Oh yes, of course, hold on." Now, this guy, he was really sweet, and he went off and got me the vegetarian option. But when he comes back and puts it down in front of me, it's a plate of rice (with, like, sweet raisins in it), tomatoes, and cauliflower. Okay. Now, who's the dumba** who thought vegetarians aren't hungry people too? And that we don't like meaningful, hearty, yummy meals? Okay, that "vegetarian option" was more like a "we have a bunch of junk in the pantry, let's put it on a plate and call it a meal!" Made me mad, but of course I ate it, I was hungry, I'd just sat through a long ceremony!

But really, my point is, that often the "vegetarian options" SUCK! It's like if you have an allergy to wheat and you ask for a non-wheat option, or if you're allergic to egg and you ask for the non-egg option, etc. they always bring  some cruddy, half-a** plate of junk. It bugs me...a lot.


  1. Rosie. . . You are not a vegetarian. You eat chicken. Chicken is meat. So. . . yeah.

  2. Next time, ask for the all-dessert option.

  3. Oooh, I like the dessert option...and I was just saying, that for people who are truly vegetarian, it'd be a WHOLE LOT SUCKIER for them!!
