Monday, July 18, 2011

When Movies Defile Their Inspiration

I HATE IT when I hear about a movie coming out, and it's based off a book, or a story, or a television series, and then the movie comes out, and it's twisted the plot until the movie is unrecognizable, save the title which somehow, (since it's always the same as the original story) makes up for the movie no longer being what the story portrayed. On rare occasions the movie comes out great, like (for the most part) the Harry Potter movies...but other times the resulting movie is a crime against nature. I don't know if the screenwriter was on drugs, or if the director took a red pen to a previously good script draft...but there are so many TERRIBLE movies based off a book/story/television series. Case in point:

Where the Wild Things Are
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs
Alice in Wonderland (the Tim Burton one)
Twilight Saga (M'kay, COULD have been okay, if they had a good script, good actors, and a better director)

My mind is spacing right now...but I'll post some more when I think of them

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