Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pottermore Magic Quill Challenge; Day 1

So, for those of you who don't know what Pottermore're stupid (in the nicest way possible). You should find out: But, I TOTALLY GOT IT!! FIRST DAY!!! YEAAAAAAH!!!! And so I've decided to post each day's Magic Quill Challenge questions, and see how many y'all can get right. The next day I'll post the new question, and the previous day's answer. Basically, I'm just re-posting from Pottermore, no copyright infringement intended, and all rights reserved by Warner Bros. and JKR...etc...etc...don't sue me please, I a'int got no money to give!! But basically, Pottermore will be open to the general public on 1 October, but the lucky first million people to find the Magic Quill and answer it's question will get to be BETA testers!!! AND I'M ONE OF THEM!!!! YAAAAY!!! (have to wait a few weeks though =/) ANYWAYS, here's 31 July's question:

Pottermore Magic Quill Challenge; Day 1; Philosopher's Stone; Difficulty: Hard

How many breeds of owl are featured on the Eeylops Owl Emporium sign? Multiply this number by 49.



Monday, July 18, 2011

When Movies Defile Their Inspiration

I HATE IT when I hear about a movie coming out, and it's based off a book, or a story, or a television series, and then the movie comes out, and it's twisted the plot until the movie is unrecognizable, save the title which somehow, (since it's always the same as the original story) makes up for the movie no longer being what the story portrayed. On rare occasions the movie comes out great, like (for the most part) the Harry Potter movies...but other times the resulting movie is a crime against nature. I don't know if the screenwriter was on drugs, or if the director took a red pen to a previously good script draft...but there are so many TERRIBLE movies based off a book/story/television series. Case in point:

Where the Wild Things Are
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs
Alice in Wonderland (the Tim Burton one)
Twilight Saga (M'kay, COULD have been okay, if they had a good script, good actors, and a better director)

My mind is spacing right now...but I'll post some more when I think of them

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Henna, Golfing, and Long Car Rides

So, I went to visit family a few states north...drove there...I went a little mentally insane. I didn't have a book on the ride back (finished it on the ride up...I didn't realize it would take me apx. 14 hours to read 757 pages...) so I had NOTHING to do!! I started to act, I made a "spider-hand" and I started talking to the other of my repeating lines was "If there is a god, MAY HE SPITE THIS FREEWAY!" I screamed that out the window a few times...but while we were driving, we stopped in this kitchy little town, and they were having some Independence Day festivities, and I got a henna! (I'll post a photo later) =D

AAANNNDD, when I was visiting family, my cousin (who works at a golf course...makes a LOT of money on tips apparently...) decided he wanted to take me to the driving range...I DIDN'T SUCK!!! =DDD Haha! But I was definitely rather sore!! xD