Sunday, July 3, 2011

Henna, Golfing, and Long Car Rides

So, I went to visit family a few states north...drove there...I went a little mentally insane. I didn't have a book on the ride back (finished it on the ride up...I didn't realize it would take me apx. 14 hours to read 757 pages...) so I had NOTHING to do!! I started to act, I made a "spider-hand" and I started talking to the other of my repeating lines was "If there is a god, MAY HE SPITE THIS FREEWAY!" I screamed that out the window a few times...but while we were driving, we stopped in this kitchy little town, and they were having some Independence Day festivities, and I got a henna! (I'll post a photo later) =D

AAANNNDD, when I was visiting family, my cousin (who works at a golf course...makes a LOT of money on tips apparently...) decided he wanted to take me to the driving range...I DIDN'T SUCK!!! =DDD Haha! But I was definitely rather sore!! xD

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