Monday, March 28, 2011


Fruit. One of my favorite things, practically in the entire world <3!!!! Right behind Paleontology, Reading, Cats, Mixie, and Dramatic Theater (especially the musical kind.) In case you didn't get it, I like, not just fruit, but a lot of other things, ha ha. Really, I'm a pescapolloterian (meaning I'm the "cheating" kind of vegetarian [I eat fish and poultry]) and so fruit and vegetables have always been a favorite of mine =). I was never one of those kids who despised eating broccoli or asparagus or spinach (well, i'v always hated spinach, actually.) So, I would like to lovingly share some of my favorite, and some of my not so favorite, fruits and vegetables with the world.

I love strawberries! They're SOOO yummy! especially dipped in brown sugar =P

I'm currently snacking on one of these scrumptious fruits, a favorite of mine since I was a baby. Though I, for the life of me, can never seem to cut them open properly.

I really do, though, prefer seedless grapes...

I DESPISE when bananas start to go brown. Bananas are PERFECT when they're still slightly green =)

Blueberries are YUMMY! I especially love tossing them up and catching them in my mouth

This, is a GALA APPLE, it's my favorite kind. I don't however like a certain type of apple [see "DISLIKES"]
(I especially like to eat apples in a particular way with a knife, it's hard to describe, but you know the way you see "survivor guys" eat them with swiss army knifes, but I like to use this one particular serrated knife we own)

Honeydew melon is such a yummy delicacy

Carrots. not cooked. not baby carrots. just amazing carrots.

Cucumber and zucchini, I can never tell them apart for some reason when they're sliced, but I love them both!

Nom nom nom broccoli!!

Asparagus is yummy! I'v gone through fazes, where I only like the tops, then I only liked the bottoms, now I like it all =)

Artichoke. Dipped in slightly salty butter is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

This, my friends, is ROMANESCO, broccoli and colliflower had a lovechild, and it was romanesco

Sweet potato fries are my favorite way to eat sweet potatoes, but I love them in general!

Celery is a favorite of mine (I also like to put peanutbutter on it every once in a while)

I like PUMPKIN SEEDS and PUMPKIN PIE, but not really any other kind, ha ha

Nom nom, I love me a good fungi =)

Snap peas are such a yummy snacking food =)


Not a fan of squash, I must say...

Red Delicious Apples. They're just, yucky.

Beets, not too yummy either.

I STRONGLY DISLIKE BELL PEPPERS!! I hate when they're in food, especially Chinese foods. They don't do anything to improve the dish, and they're always in my way, and I get so irritated having to eat around them!!

POTATOES. Mashed, baked, spuds, steamed, broiled, I don't care. Any way (that's not french fries), if it's a potato, I don't like it.

I actually have never tried brussel sprouts...but I don't think I'd like them

KALE. Blech! As apposed to my mother, I despise when this is in soups!

Well, that's pretty much it....I know, this was an incredibly long lists of fruits and vegetables...but there's just one more thing that I need to express my dislike of:


MEAT Meat is something that gets me all grossed out. *shivers* I admit, I used to like meats (especially bbq) such as pork, beef, lamb, but I have since seen the error of my ways and left the Dark Side. 

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