Monday, March 7, 2011


So, I was off perusing my best friend, Mixie's blog (ALL OF YOU SHOULD GO CHECK IT OUT! and she had a post about Lent, so I decided, hey, why not share what I'm giving up for Lent?

So, first of all, for those of you who may not know, Lent is a period of 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday. A period of penitence for Christians before Easter. And it is a common practice for Christians to give something up/do something for the 40 day period. Also you don't eat meat on Ash Wednesday or any Friday in Lent (which isn't too hard for me since I'm a vegetarian).

So this year for lent I have decided that I will be giving up television. 
Giving up television is going to be hard for me, but I'm tired of giving up soda every year and want to be a little more active about what I'm giving up. I will, however, allow myself to watch movies (a little bit of cheating, but hey, what can I say, I like movies =p)

The second thing I'm doing is I'm not going to swear. period. Which is VERY difficult for me, because I say f*** or s*** of d*** every few minutes generally.

Every time that I swear I'm going to put a bit of money in a "Rice Bowl" 
And, while I'm not going to use an actual rice bowl, nor am I going to give it to the organization that the Rice Bowl centers itself around, the effect is generally the same. 

When I DO flub and swear, the money that I donate will, most likely, go to the ASPCA, my favorite charity =).


SO, feel free to comment/share with me what you all are planning on giving up for Lent (if you plan on it at all =D )

1 comment:

  1. FYI, the font sizing was really weird? You might wanna fix that.

    Also, daaang, you're much better at this Lent business than I am. XD =)
