Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Again, Making Mixie Proud!

Soooo, I just continue to make Mixie proud! So, there's this A-M-A-Z-I-N-G second hand store in downtown that Mixie and I go to a lot, because, basically, THRIFTING IS AWESOME! And, so I found this a-dorable pair of "booties" today, and I decided to buy them, their actually pretty comfortable too! [see below for photos] and so my friend, who we'll call...The Artist....was with me, and he was like, "OOOOHHH! You should buy those! They're super hot!!" and me, being all d'aaawww, caved and bought them. I mean, I only own ten other pairs of heels, (two of which are black heels, and three of which are black boots) what's one more? And, in reality, I didn't own any booties 's all good! And so I buy them, and he's looking at them, and he goes, "Ohh! They're Steve Madden! These are nice shoes," and we leave it at that.

So, I get home, and I look at them, and I wonder, "Hmmm....I wonder how much these actually cost..." So, I go onto Steve Madden's website, and I'm looking around, and I find the closest pair to them that I could...guess how much? $189.99! And guess how much I bought them for? $18! SCORE! I mean, that is a GREAT find!! A few hours later The Artist and his family come over for barbeque, and I tell him and his mom, and they BOTH just look at me, mouths slightly agape, in shock. Basically, y'all should go thrifting, 'cause you can find barely worn, $190 adorable shoes for absurdly cheap prices!! =D

OH YEAH! And Mixie would ALSO be proud, because I can see her wearing these shoes, in fact, she has a fairly similar pair to these in grey...TWINSIES! =)

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