Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Homeless People

Okay, so, I am not one of those people who see a homeless person and freak out, I'm totally cool with them...I feel bad for them, and am more than willing to give them food and work in soup kitchens. BUT I feel like when you're walking down a street in downtown, and you see a homeless person, and they have a DOG, it's like, "UHHHHMMMM, you can't afford a home, you're asking for money for food for yourself, HOW THE HECK DO YOU AFFORD A DOG?? I feel like they're abusing the dog...

Also, I don't think people should give money to homeless people...Now I know that not ALL of them do this, but a LOT of them go out, and, with the money people give them, they buy drugs or alcohol...so, I think people should give them food! I hang out in downtown a lot, and Mixie and I got noodles once, and I got dumplings, and I had, like, 5 of them left..and we gave it to some homeless guy on the street, I mean, c'mon! Who doesn't like dumplings?? And a friend of mine always tells a story about how her aunt went in and bought a guy a banana when he asked for money once...

Bottomline: dumplings are yummy!

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