Thursday, June 16, 2011

Crazy Fan Girl's Dream Come True

So, I was in Italy for the past few weeks, and I had an amazing time! I loved every moment of it! Up until the morning of the day of my flight. I was staying in the home of a girl and her family, and I came to love them very much. And sadly, the chances of me ever seeing them again are VERY slim. So it was a very sad day. BUT, the day quickly picked up when I got to the airport. Who was there but MAYDAY PARADE! My all time favorite band! And, get this, THEY WERE ON MY FLIGHT!!

I'm a little tired of telling this story so i'll jsut recap it, I got their autographs, I am now best friends with one of them, took a photo with them, and got hugs from them all. So, all in all, it made a REALLY sucky day A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! <3 They're all around awesome dudes, they were totally sweet and nice, and kept saying thank you to me, which I, of course, kept saying thank you back to. And they were totally fine with my semi-overwhelmed, fan girl, star struck attitude!

So, for all of you who don't know Mayday Parade (SHAME ON YOU!) here's some photos, a video of one of their songs, and some songs that you should listen to of theirs!

Derek Sanders; lead singer/keyboards/acoustic guitar

Jake Bundrick; Drummer/Precussion/Vocals

Alex Garcia; lead guitarist

Jeremy Lenzo; Bass Guitar/Vocals

Brooks Betts; rhythm guitarist

Jason Lancaster; Lead vocals/ rhythm guitar/songwriter

Miserable at Best

[these are my favorite songs of theirs]

Miserable at Best
Girls Make Boys Cry
Jaime All Over
Kids in Love
Bruised and Scarred
Black Cat

1 comment:

  1. The song that u listed as Girls Make Boys Cry is actually called "When I Get Home, You're So Dead"
    Haha just saying. But mayday parade is my favorite band too! I'm so jealous you got to meet them
