Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Commenting on Mixie

My dear friend Mixie just posted today about Epicurus' Paradox, an argument I too have given many times.So, I felt like just reprising Mixie's post as my own. I was watching a documentary on the Christian faith once, and a Doctor Something-Or-Other gave a rather good summarization of Epicurus' Paradox, and the contradiction that the Christian faith seems blind to. I'm going to, in my own words, quote him in a way:

Christianity has three major beliefs about God:

  • God is All Knowing
  • God is All Powerful
  • God is All Good
Now, Christianity believes all three of these. The issue is that they cannot all be if you look at our planet. 

If God is All Good, why is there evil? Evil is DEFINITELY not good...If God is All Knowing, why didn't he see the trouble and issues of evil coming before it happened?...and if God is All Powerful, why didn't he prevent evil from ever occurring?

So, the conclusions that I come to is that:

God is All Knowing and All Powerful, but not All Good, and wants/allows the evil to occur in the world.
God is All Knowing and All Good, but not All Powerful, and doesn't have the power to prevent the evil in the world.
God is All Powerful and All Good, but not All Knowing, and doesn't know what is going to occur on the planet (such as evil), and thus can't prevent it.
There is no God.

It's one of those....I don't know for sure, I have trouble discerning what my beliefs are...I would love to believe that there is an All Powerful, All Knowing, All Good God who watches over me every day and has a place called Heaven that I'll go to when I die and I'll get to see all my family and friends again who have passed and eat chocolate and strawberries all day and live in paradise. But I look at all the crud that goes on on Earth...and I have issues with being convinced of that...Who knows if I'll ever be convinced that there most definitely IS a God...but what I am convinced of right now, is that, if there is a God, he is not all three of the previously stated things.

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