Monday, April 25, 2011


"POKING". It's this weird, Facebook phenomenon that involves not pressing your finger on a friend's epidermis, but clicking a button on your computer that looks like this:

Now, let me introduce you to another new word, the "POKEWAR." the Pokewar consists of two people constantly Poking each other back and forth until someone finally caves and "IGNORES" the Poke. One can participate in multiple Pokewars at the same time even!

So, now that I've introduced the concept (though I doubt anyone had never heard of Poking, Ignoring, or Pokewars before, I still felt the need to explain it) I would now like to share a story. Now, normally, Poking is done between family or friends, but every once in a while someone random will Poke. 

The other day I was asked to go to prom with someone, I said yes, and then, yesterday. His sister poked me. Now, sometimes, sisters, y'know? They go to the same school as us, they hang out with not this time. She went to a different highschool, and I've never met her before, never even talked to do you respond to that? Now, I don't Poke on Facebook, not to people I know, so when someone who I don't know Pokes me, I don't think twice about Ignoring it...but she's his sister, I couldn't tell if that would insult I asked him, and he said that she's known to start Pokewars. OH NO! Haha, luckily, just a single Poke was enough, and he said that she wouldn't Poke me again....

But really people, stop Poking me! Yeesh!

1 comment:

  1. lol'd

    multiple times

    that's so random that his sister poked you. . . but I think it means that he actually legit liiiiiikes you <3
