Friday, April 1, 2011


So, I am at odds with competitions right now...There was a competition for a T-shirt design at my school for our Service Day (if you wish to read my friend, Mixie's account of her Service Day activity see So, every year we have a Service Day where we help out in the local community. I, for example, journeyed with my group to a local elementary school and assisted in the Kindergarten. Meanwhile, Mixie was off at the zoo. Hanging with giraffes. That meany. 

Also, our school has a "theme" each year, and this year ours is "Come and See" (last year's was "Journeying Together to Open Hearts")

Okay, back to what I was going to post about: so, every year we all get a shirt for Service Day, and there's a competition for designing the shirt (and the winning designer's group gets pizza, plus their design made into a T-shirt). So, I entered said competition to represent my group. And this is the design that I ended up turning in:

I reckon my design is pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. 

Unfortunately, when it came time to announce who the winner was, I was unfortunately, disappointed. But, I stayed positive, and just decided to await Service Day to observe the winning design. Today was Service Day, here's the winning design:

I have to say, this just looks unprofessional and not everyone works with kids...

Basically, I was really irritated that I lost to such a, well what I'll call amateur, design. What do you guys think? Should I have won?? Haha, or what do you think of either/both designs??


  1. You definitely should have won. I mean, I don't hate the design that did win, but still, yours is way better.
