Monday, March 28, 2011


Fruit. One of my favorite things, practically in the entire world <3!!!! Right behind Paleontology, Reading, Cats, Mixie, and Dramatic Theater (especially the musical kind.) In case you didn't get it, I like, not just fruit, but a lot of other things, ha ha. Really, I'm a pescapolloterian (meaning I'm the "cheating" kind of vegetarian [I eat fish and poultry]) and so fruit and vegetables have always been a favorite of mine =). I was never one of those kids who despised eating broccoli or asparagus or spinach (well, i'v always hated spinach, actually.) So, I would like to lovingly share some of my favorite, and some of my not so favorite, fruits and vegetables with the world.

I love strawberries! They're SOOO yummy! especially dipped in brown sugar =P

I'm currently snacking on one of these scrumptious fruits, a favorite of mine since I was a baby. Though I, for the life of me, can never seem to cut them open properly.

I really do, though, prefer seedless grapes...

I DESPISE when bananas start to go brown. Bananas are PERFECT when they're still slightly green =)

Blueberries are YUMMY! I especially love tossing them up and catching them in my mouth

This, is a GALA APPLE, it's my favorite kind. I don't however like a certain type of apple [see "DISLIKES"]
(I especially like to eat apples in a particular way with a knife, it's hard to describe, but you know the way you see "survivor guys" eat them with swiss army knifes, but I like to use this one particular serrated knife we own)

Honeydew melon is such a yummy delicacy

Carrots. not cooked. not baby carrots. just amazing carrots.

Cucumber and zucchini, I can never tell them apart for some reason when they're sliced, but I love them both!

Nom nom nom broccoli!!

Asparagus is yummy! I'v gone through fazes, where I only like the tops, then I only liked the bottoms, now I like it all =)

Artichoke. Dipped in slightly salty butter is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

This, my friends, is ROMANESCO, broccoli and colliflower had a lovechild, and it was romanesco

Sweet potato fries are my favorite way to eat sweet potatoes, but I love them in general!

Celery is a favorite of mine (I also like to put peanutbutter on it every once in a while)

I like PUMPKIN SEEDS and PUMPKIN PIE, but not really any other kind, ha ha

Nom nom, I love me a good fungi =)

Snap peas are such a yummy snacking food =)


Not a fan of squash, I must say...

Red Delicious Apples. They're just, yucky.

Beets, not too yummy either.

I STRONGLY DISLIKE BELL PEPPERS!! I hate when they're in food, especially Chinese foods. They don't do anything to improve the dish, and they're always in my way, and I get so irritated having to eat around them!!

POTATOES. Mashed, baked, spuds, steamed, broiled, I don't care. Any way (that's not french fries), if it's a potato, I don't like it.

I actually have never tried brussel sprouts...but I don't think I'd like them

KALE. Blech! As apposed to my mother, I despise when this is in soups!

Well, that's pretty much it....I know, this was an incredibly long lists of fruits and vegetables...but there's just one more thing that I need to express my dislike of:


MEAT Meat is something that gets me all grossed out. *shivers* I admit, I used to like meats (especially bbq) such as pork, beef, lamb, but I have since seen the error of my ways and left the Dark Side. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Les Misérables

Les Misérables, an amazing musical, beautiful story, and all around entertaining piece to watch. I just watched it recently, and I wanted to share it with the cyber-world for those of you who haven't ever heard of it.

okay, so this song is one of my FAVORITES from the musical, it's called "Do You Hear the People Sing"

"Master of the House" is one of the GREATEST songs in this musical, because the two singing it, Cosette's "guardians" (who treated her like buffalo poop) are hilarious characters.

Okay, so I love to sing this particular song, because it's so sweet, it's called "On My Own" and it's sung by the character Eponine, and it's really sad/sweet.

"Castle On A Cloud" is another song that I love to sing, sung by young Cosette, it's really sweet, because she's dreaming of a life other than the one she's been living with the two who sing "Master of the House"

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I shall let you all in on a secret, BEING SICK SUCKS! it's truly an atrocious thing....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Clifford Stoll

Okay, so this guy, is pretty freaking awesome. If you have 18 minutes on your hands, just watch the video below, I was perusing yet again, and I came across him.... physicist, astronomer, man with ADHD or something, and all around cool dude. Basically, listening to him talk is memorizing, and I could do it for hours, in fact, I have listened to him for multiple hours now...just really, watch the clip and you'll understand my fascination with Clifford Stoll:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Raspyni Brothers

Hey guys, so there's this AWESOME site, Ideas Worth Spreading. I LOVE going to it and just perusing the's awesome. Generally I watch scientific/documentatative(yes that's a word I just made up)/inspirational talks. BUT last night, at some ungodly hour, I decided to venture into the "funny" category. Where this clip popped up at me--as they do on the Raspyni Brothers. Now, these two guys, Barry and Dan, are some of the FUNNIEST guys out there. I'v seen them countless times live, and have talked to them extensively. They're professional jugglers 'yall, how much cooler can you get?? ANYWHO, they've done many MANY performances over the years (and over enough years for Barry to go from a full head of hair to bald as a potato, haha). They've performed in California, Illinois, Minnesota, Texas (etc.), won many International Team Juggling Competitions, performed for the King of Spain, performed on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, and that began five years of national touring for people like Billy Crystal, Robin Williams, and many other comedy and musical headliners. They've performed for President Regan, and they were opening acts for people such as: Paul Anka, David Brenner, Beorge Burns, Bob Hope, Jay Lenno, Dean Martin, Steve Matin, Roseanne, Gary Shandling, Robin Williams, Tony Bennett, Patti LeBelle, Dennis Miller, Howie Mandel, Lou Rawls, Dana Carvey, and many others. They had performed for over 7,000,000 corporate audiences up until 2009. They truly are QUITE impressive, and a favorite of mine =)

Enjoy these video clips of them:


Friday, March 18, 2011

"Will Ferrell"

(So, I have this friend, who we'll just call Will Ferrell, because when I approved his facebook request, his facebook photo was of Will Ferrel)

How many of you have ever been carried this way?

Well, I can say that I have, as of today. To sum up the rather odd events of today:

I was walking down the hallway at my highschool with a couple of friends, we'll call them Larry, Curly and Moe. I decided to walk in front, but I wanted to tell Curly something. So, I turned around and stopped, telling Curly whatever it was that I told him.

Upon turning back around I come literally face to face with my friend Will. Getting frightened I whack him and laugh, walking around him.

Later I am in the hallway again, and I see my friend, we'll call her Panda and my friend, whom we'll call Sissy. So, I squat down next to Panda, because she's sitting on the floor. After talking to her I stand up and turn to leave.

Out of nowhere, Will walks up to me, leans down, and slings me over his shoulder (like in the photo above). Quite shocked, I don't know how to react, nor how to get down from said position. (Though I might say, it was rather more comfortable than I would have expected...or maybe his shoulder was just unnaturally soft, haha).

Anyways, so he begins to walk away from Panda and Sissy. I can hear Sissy call out, "BYE ROSE!" as Will walks away. Never saying a word.

After walking maybe 150meters or so, he puts me down. I have this goofy grin on my face, and don't quite know how to react, whether to be irritated, or just surprised. 

My spanish teacher, whom had been watching this whole scene, and is one of my favorite teachers says in his Peruvian accent, "Rose, you have been transported." MADE IT ALL SO MUCH FUNNIER!

Will smiiles and walks away. He never said anything.

Now, still not knowing what to think, I walk, slightly shocked, back to Panda and Sissy, where I look at them and they just laugh. Still not knowing what to say, I decide to run (through the rain outside) to the library to relay the events to my best friend Mixie whom finds it rather funny and then returns to the concert-listing site she was looking at.

After the school day ends, I find will and walk up to him and say, "Will?" he looks at me, bursts into laughter, smiles and walks away.

I still don't quite know how to react!!! 

Well, that was my story for today! =)

My Best Friend

So, my best friend Mixie, ( posted today and was sharing some of our more awesome inclinations, so I decided to share something today! And that something is a wonderful drawing of myself and Mixie that our friend---we'll just call her Jennie---drew. I think it is rather amazing hahaha =)

Yes, that would be Mixie and I, as one person. =) Me with my curly hair, and her with her straight hair. AND to make it even better, you can see us holding A) a notebook and pen to write some literary work, because we're both writers, or B) a book and a bookmark because we are both avid readers! Make your decision! No matter which you pick though, My Mixie (yes. i am a little territorial sometimes....=P) and I  love each other super much!

I would also like to share some wisdom that Mixie and I have that everyone should follow. THRIFT SHOPPING! Okay guys, no, don't get all grossed out and say things like "EW! Other peoples clothes?" or "Those were dead people's clothes!" Because the chances of them having belonged to someone who died are very small, and even then, they weren't WEARING them when they died, SHEESH! Basically, Thrift Shopping is such a money saver, AND you can find some really awesome stuff there!! AND (again) books. Books, books, books. Books cost quite a bit of money when you think of them...I've have spent many hundreds of dollars on books throughout my life, and if you can buy a book, that would normally cost $10.55 for $0.75, that's a GREAT deal!!! 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Harry Potter

Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling. 'Nuff said.


[OH YEAH! (I'm a Ravenclaw)]

this is a favorite drawing of mine <3 PROPS to whomever drew it...i found it on the internet one day

AND there you have it! The AMAZINGNESS that is one of my dearest loves <3 JO ROWLING, YOU ARE ONE OF MY HEROS!

You are my childhood.