Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Raspyni Brothers

Hey guys, so there's this AWESOME site, Ideas Worth Spreading. I LOVE going to it and just perusing the's awesome. Generally I watch scientific/documentatative(yes that's a word I just made up)/inspirational talks. BUT last night, at some ungodly hour, I decided to venture into the "funny" category. Where this clip popped up at me--as they do on the Raspyni Brothers. Now, these two guys, Barry and Dan, are some of the FUNNIEST guys out there. I'v seen them countless times live, and have talked to them extensively. They're professional jugglers 'yall, how much cooler can you get?? ANYWHO, they've done many MANY performances over the years (and over enough years for Barry to go from a full head of hair to bald as a potato, haha). They've performed in California, Illinois, Minnesota, Texas (etc.), won many International Team Juggling Competitions, performed for the King of Spain, performed on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, and that began five years of national touring for people like Billy Crystal, Robin Williams, and many other comedy and musical headliners. They've performed for President Regan, and they were opening acts for people such as: Paul Anka, David Brenner, Beorge Burns, Bob Hope, Jay Lenno, Dean Martin, Steve Matin, Roseanne, Gary Shandling, Robin Williams, Tony Bennett, Patti LeBelle, Dennis Miller, Howie Mandel, Lou Rawls, Dana Carvey, and many others. They had performed for over 7,000,000 corporate audiences up until 2009. They truly are QUITE impressive, and a favorite of mine =)

Enjoy these video clips of them:


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