Friday, March 18, 2011

"Will Ferrell"

(So, I have this friend, who we'll just call Will Ferrell, because when I approved his facebook request, his facebook photo was of Will Ferrel)

How many of you have ever been carried this way?

Well, I can say that I have, as of today. To sum up the rather odd events of today:

I was walking down the hallway at my highschool with a couple of friends, we'll call them Larry, Curly and Moe. I decided to walk in front, but I wanted to tell Curly something. So, I turned around and stopped, telling Curly whatever it was that I told him.

Upon turning back around I come literally face to face with my friend Will. Getting frightened I whack him and laugh, walking around him.

Later I am in the hallway again, and I see my friend, we'll call her Panda and my friend, whom we'll call Sissy. So, I squat down next to Panda, because she's sitting on the floor. After talking to her I stand up and turn to leave.

Out of nowhere, Will walks up to me, leans down, and slings me over his shoulder (like in the photo above). Quite shocked, I don't know how to react, nor how to get down from said position. (Though I might say, it was rather more comfortable than I would have expected...or maybe his shoulder was just unnaturally soft, haha).

Anyways, so he begins to walk away from Panda and Sissy. I can hear Sissy call out, "BYE ROSE!" as Will walks away. Never saying a word.

After walking maybe 150meters or so, he puts me down. I have this goofy grin on my face, and don't quite know how to react, whether to be irritated, or just surprised. 

My spanish teacher, whom had been watching this whole scene, and is one of my favorite teachers says in his Peruvian accent, "Rose, you have been transported." MADE IT ALL SO MUCH FUNNIER!

Will smiiles and walks away. He never said anything.

Now, still not knowing what to think, I walk, slightly shocked, back to Panda and Sissy, where I look at them and they just laugh. Still not knowing what to say, I decide to run (through the rain outside) to the library to relay the events to my best friend Mixie whom finds it rather funny and then returns to the concert-listing site she was looking at.

After the school day ends, I find will and walk up to him and say, "Will?" he looks at me, bursts into laughter, smiles and walks away.

I still don't quite know how to react!!! 

Well, that was my story for today! =)

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