Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Earth's Children Series

So, my readers, I feel it is my duty, as an avid reader of books, that I introduce you to, if you don't know it already, an amazing piece of literary work: the Earth's Children Series by Jean M. Auel.

The  Clan of the Cave Bear
Book 1

The Valley of Horses
Book 2

The Mammoth Hunters
Book 3

The Plains of Passage
Book 4

The Shelters of Stone
Book 5

The Land of Painted Caves
Book 6

So, all 6 of these books are part of the AMAZING Earth's Children series by Jean M. Auel. They're the story of the incredibly strong, brave, confidant heroin Ayla. Ayla is a Cro-Magnon living in prehistoric Europe before the extinction of the Neanderthals. Now, I'm not going to give away what happens in these books, because that would be DEADLY evil, but I will say that they're, BY FAR the best series I've come across since Harry Potter---though the first few were published before Harry Potter was even thought of by the great Jo Rowling. I would say, next to Harry Potter, this is my FAVORITE series. It is awesome. The amount of research that Jean M. Auel went through, and the countless months she spent compiling her knowledge to create such a realistic plot, is amazing. Her descriptions are beautifully written and give you a PERFECT peak into the Upper Paleolithic era, and though there may be one or two irritating things (such as grammar, or odd, unrealistic abilities) the overall AMAZINGNEESS of these books overrides those minor irritations. I'm quite happy to say that, though she may have known about the series, and planned on reading it at some point, my dear friend Mixie has now been reeled into this thrilling tale, and I hope that many of you, my dear readers, will too!!

The final book of this series, The Land of Painted Caves will be published on March 29, 2011, so that's coming up!!! I plan on buying AS SOON AS I CAN! and I hope that those of you, who find you love this series just as much as I do, will relish in the fact that you don't have to sit around waiting for months (or in this case YEARS) for the next installation to come!

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